How To Begin a Conversation with Your Boyfriend

The first period of a budding relationship is usually filled with exciting late-night phone calls and hours-long conversations. As your relationship grows, you both can’t wait to talk with each other. You impatiently wait for the next opportunity to communicate as you end the conversation at the end of the day. But the talk might not flow as easily after those early days. It’s time to find some ways to jumpstart the conversation as the newness has worn off.

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How To Begin a Conversation with Your Boyfriend

Struggles with Communication Are Normal

Perhaps your conversations were fantastic in the beginning, or perhaps it has always been a struggle. An issue in communication is normal but can also be a red flag of a relationship in crisis. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to call it quits. There is much you can do.

Adequate communication is significant for your relationship so you can actually know your partner and settle differences. communication with your partner will help you move past difficulties that could have otherwise tripped up your relationship.

Find Out What He Likes

Focusing on your partner’s interests is one of the best ways to connect with them. Tons of subjects of conversation can come from simply finding out what your boyfriend likes and going from there. If you are in a new relationship do not be shy to ask, if you do not know, what his hobbies are, what he does in his spare time, who is his role model, what is his dream job, what his favorite place is, and who are his best friends.

Find out what kinds of sports he likes to play or watch, what kind of movies and television shows he watches and books he reads, and whether he is an intellectual type in general. Find out if he is interested in current events and if he talks about politics or law. Now is the moment to figure out what you two have in common and find some shared ground.

An entertaining method is to play twenty questions, relationship style. Online you can find lots of good questions, print out, cut into stripes, and pop in a fishbowl. Queries like “If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would you want to meet?” and “If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would do with the cash?”

Be certain to ask about his past. Look at old family photo albums and ask about the people in the pictures, ask him what was his favorite movie in childhood. Perhaps you two could watch it again. Find out if he has a favorite album growing up. Find out and play it in the car while you are going out on a date. Yet, abstain from discussing past relationships as that may only make him feel uncomfortable.

Asking targeted questions about his interests and his past will help get the conversation going and build connections, as long as you are genuinely interested in getting to know your boyfriend. According to relationship experts, it is always better to use conversation starter questions.

If you focus on asking specifically yes or no questions, then you may have a hard time getting the conversation going, therefore it’s a good idea to ask more open-ended questions as well because these kinds of questions push your boyfriend to explain his responses which give you more things to converse about and keep the dialogue going.

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How To Begin a Conversation with Your Boyfriend

Tell Him What You Like

Maybe it is time to talk about yourself if you’re having trouble getting him to open up. Tell him what you want to do this weekend, what you like to do when you’re not working or with him, what you want to do in the future, or what you wish you could do.

As a matter of fact, future plans are a wonderful conversation starter that can open him up about what he desires to do in the future. Also discussing your past is another great method to start conversations. Therefore, tell him what your family is like, what your childhood was like, what games you like to play, or what your favorite books and movies are.

It may not be a good time to talk about how you want to get married and have kids if you are still new to the relationship, be conscious of that. Use some of the conversation starters we talked about above, but in reverse, if you don’t know where to start. Tell him about the craziest thing you want to try someday, what makes you the happiest, and the strangest movie you have ever watched. Just make certain you bring the talk back around to him at some point.

Play a Game

Try to play a different kind of game if twenty questions feel too awkward. For instance, Checkers, Chess, Sorry, Scrabble, and other kinds of board/card games that are fun, yet intimate and might be the excellent icebreaker that leads to conversation topics without the talk being forced.

Try a game like “no words”, when you are feeling a little braver, in which, over drinks, you each ask yes-and-no questions. For instance, you can ask whether he was anxious on your first date or not. You answer by sipping. One sip means “yes,” and two sips mean “no.” You can ask fun questions, or thought-provoking questions, just keep the conversation rolling.

As a way to begin a conversation, two truths and one lie is another game you can play with your boyfriend. In this game, you take turns telling each other two fun things that are true and one that is not. The other person is responsible for determining which is the untruth. This game is an easy way to get an in-depth talk going, particularly if the real facts you share are fascinating.

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How To Begin a Conversation with Your Boyfriend

Talk about Nothing

While some people find it uncomfortable just to have quiet companionship, it is a great way just to enjoy each other’s company, therefore sometimes it is okay to sit and enjoy the silence. Sometimes it can be forced to keep a conversation going at all times once you move past the stage of getting to know each other. Don’t feel bad if this is the stage that you’re in.

However, if you’re still working on building the relationship or this makes you uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to talk about anything. Think of some gossip you read in a magazine or something you heard on the television. Just talk about the weather if all else fails.

It could be for much deeper reasons if you’re truly struggling with fun conversations. For instance, social anxiety could make you uncomfortable talking, even though you really like to. Or it could be that you lack self-confidence which makes it challenging to determine what to talk about.

Try some conversation starters

You may benefit from trying to use conversation starters in your relationship if you’re struggling to have a good conversation. Conversation starters provide you with new things to talk about and open the door for further dialogue. They could be thought-provoking or fun questions. You can learn more about each other even if you’ve been in a long-term relationship and feel like your partner is your best friend.

Below you will find some conversation starters to get you thinking and talking:

– What was your best and worst memory from childhood?

– Do you consider yourself a confident person? Why or why not?

– What do you like to be memorized for?

– What is your famous thing that we have done jointly?

– What would your worst day or ideal day look like?

– How would you describe your best and worst moments during our relationship?

– What is your favorite manner to spend a Saturday morning?

– What is your favorite vacation to date?

– What makes you feel valued in our relationship?

– What is the most reasonable way for someone to improve themselves?

– What are the 5 things that made you who you are now?

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How To Begin a Conversation with Your Boyfriend

You and your partner could write out spontaneous things to talk about on small pieces of paper and draw them out of a cap. You can also try to come up with conversation starters on your own. This incorporates conversation starters with a game you can play jointly.

Individual, couples, or family therapy can help you learn how to improve your communication skills if your conversations are a struggle in your relationship. Doing so will benefit your relationship.

How To Begin a Conversation with Your Boyfriend
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