The Official Girlfriend Application form
In the United States of America, people fill out and sign different types of documents in multiple cases. For example, if they buy or sell something, apply to various institutions for some reason, create a power of attorney or living will, legally prove any significant matter, or formalize custody for a child, they use certain templates.
While some individuals associate legal forms with serious affairs tied to money, healthcare matters, or tangible things, there are also templates regulating relationships between romantic partners (or future romantic partners) that one may consider inessential. Nevertheless, these templates are also widely used in the United States. The Official Girlfriend Application form is one of these documents.

When do you use the Official Girlfriend Application form?
There are two significant reasons to complete and use the Girlfriend Application form. The first reason is to apply to become a romantic partner if you and another person do not know each other well, though feeling some kind of connection is typical for romantic relationships in the beginning.
With the Official Girlfriend Application form, the potential boyfriend or girlfriend can learn more about the applying lady. As a result, this measure may help in determining whether this particular lady is an ideal candidate for dating or not. Sometimes, by dating the wrong person you will waste your time; the Girlfriend Application form will help evade such situations.
Another noteworthy reason for filling out this form is to prove to your potential boyfriend or girlfriend that your intentions and feelings are profound if he or she wants to make you his or her girlfriend officially. With the Official Girlfriend Application form, both parties can feel secure and enhance their relationship.
So, if you want to apply as someone’s girlfriend, you have to complete the document, as you already know, called the Official Girlfriend Application. In the main, the Official Girlfriend Application form is provided by a person to a girl if he or she views the girl as a potential romantic partner. It should be completed fully because not answering the questions could disqualify you.
In order to increase your likelihood of winning and being considered for the position that you are applying for, you may attach relevant documents and photographs of yourself. You must attach anything; you think may help you gain this position. Note, that you must be completely honest while filling out the Official Girlfriend Application form, as the authenticity of the answers will be checked through Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other social networks or search engines if considered necessary. Any inaccurate information provided in the form may cause invalidation of the application.
Who needs to sign the Official Girlfriend Application form?
These application forms are typically signed by the ladies trying either to prove their serious intentions or become someone’s girlfriend.
If you are a man who wants to be her or his boyfriend, you may use another form called the “Boyfriend Application.”

Check out other free, downloadable templates here
What should be included in the Official Girlfriend Application form?
The Official Girlfriend Application form has a clear structure. The form consists of three pages that include a set of questions you need to answer. Your replies will tell of your habits and personality, so your potential romantic partner can know you better and make a decision (based on the information provided by you) about building a serious relationship with you.
When you (as a future girlfriend) complete the Girlfriend Application form, note that all your answers should be sincere. At the top of the first page, each applicant can observe the warning that the receiver of your application will check all the details you provide through social networks and other sources.
All these questions imply uncomplicated and short answers.
How to complete the Official Girlfriend Application form?
For your convenience, we have made a detailed guide on how to complete the Official Girlfriend Application form. Download the Official Girlfriend Application form template in PDF format which is located at the end of this post. It is absolutely free of any charge.
Before you start to complete any legal document in the United States, you should obtain its template. Our website provides the up-to-date and correct version of the Official Girlfriend Application form.
The Official Girlfriend Application form consists of 8 (eight) sections:
- Section 1 – Basic information
- Section 2 – Contact information
- Section 3 – The deal breakers
- Section 4 – Getting to know you
- Section 5 – Short answer
- Section 6 – Relationship background
- Section 7 – References
- Section 8 – Certification
Each of these sections requires your personal information that should be filled out in a way that expresses the truth. Depending on all the information you provide, the person who assesses the Official Girlfriend Application form will come to a conclusion about whether you are suitable for the mentioned position.
Now let’s find out what kind of information is required to be provided by a potential girlfriend to complete sections of the Official Girlfriend Application form:
Section 1 – Basic information
In this section, the document contains all the basic information about the applicant. You must provide details about yourself. Here, you should state the information as follows:
- Full legal name (last, first, and middle name)
- Current residence (city, state, zip code)
- Nickname
- Age
- Eye color
- Natural hair color
- Current hair color
- Height
- Weight
All the required data should be inserted. Insert all the required data. Choose among the given options (less than 100 lbs., between 100 and 175 lbs., more than 175 lbs.) when describing your weight.
Section 2 – Contact information
Here you must provide your personal contact information (note, that you must only leave your valid telephone numbers):
- Home phone number
- Cell phone number
- E-mail address

Section 3 – The deal breakers (answering the questions)
In this section, you are required to answer YES or No questions. Note, that you should answer these questions as accurately and truthfully as possible. Among six of them, you will find questions like “Do you smoke and/or use any tobacco products?”, “Do you use any illegal substances?”, “Have you ever been convicted of anything by a court of law?” etc. Maybe some questions may feel too personal. However, remember that it is your prospective boyfriend trying to learn more about his potential partner.
Section 4 – Getting to know you
Here you will have to answer other personal questions about yourself, which will make the evaluation and assessment process much easier. These questions require you to provide information about the highest level of education that you have completed, information about your religious affiliation and political persuasion, about your siblings (if applicable), all-time favorite movies, musical genres, sport(s), and sports team(s), information about your current income (if applicable) and type of a car that you currently drive. Fill in the answers that describe you accurately. Do not deceive while responding.
Section 5 – Short answer
By answering open-ended questions in this section using a couple of adjectives, you will help the reviewer determine if you are suitable for the position. listing the advantages may help you become this person’s girlfriend. Insert your responses in the relevant blank lines near each question. There are 4 main questions to be answered. Questions are as follows:
- “What is your idea of a perfect date?” (You should answer in three sentences or less)
- “What characteristics of mine lead you to apply for this position?”
- “Explain why I should pick you as my girlfriend/boyfriend?” (You should answer this question using one sentence)
- “List any special skills you may have that are relevant to this position”

Section 6 – Relationship background
After you have answered all the above questions, carry on completing the next section, where you have to describe your relationship background. Here you must provide the details about your past 3 (three) relationships. List the details starting from the most recent one. The questions are as follows:
- Provide the name of your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend
- Fill in the start and end date of your relationship with him/her
- Clarify your role in the breakup (Were you the one who terminated the relationship, or it was your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend, who turned out to be a dropper of refuse?)
- State the reason for the breakup
Section 7 – References
According to this section, you are required to provide the names and contact information of 3 (three) references, who are familiar with your personality and can best describe your qualities. People that can authenticate the information you have provided, if necessary. Apart from the references’ names, write their phone numbers, and email addresses.
Section 8 – Certification
Like many other legal forms in the United States, the Official Girlfriend Application form has to be dated and signed.
Previous to the signature of the form, all the information provided must be double-checked. With your signature, you officially verify the exactness and accuracy of the data. Then, you should add the date and signature in the relevant lines.
Though, you must remember that filling out and submitting the application form for review does not guarantee that you will be chosen.
Submission of the Official Girlfriend Application form
After filling out the Official Girlfriend Application form, you may submit it to the individual who asked you to complete it.
Words to consider for potential girlfriends
Dating can be stressful. It is only natural to worry about how you will come across and whether or not your date will like you. But no matter how socially awkward or shy you feel, you can handle your self-consciousness and nerves and form a great connection.
Be aware of your best qualities and the things you can improve upon. When making a choice on a potential significant other, find someone who makes you feel natural when together. Look for someone who will try to bring out the best in you, such as your generosity and humor. You should not have to feel like you must change to be good enough for them.

For your consideration:
Try not to establish a set of unrealistic expectations in advance. This can make any new relationship feel disappointing and potential partners seem inadequate.
Deal with rejection gracefully
Everyone searching for love is going to have to face rejection, at some point – both as the person doing the rejection and the person being rejected. It is an unavoidable part of dating. By staying positive and being sincere with yourself and others, overcoming rejection can be far less intimidating. The key is to acknowledge that rejection is an unavoidable part of dating but not spend excessive time worrying about it.
Tips for overcoming rejection when dating and searching for love
You should not take it personally. If you are rejected after one or a few dates, the other person in all probability is only rejecting you for superficial motives you have no control over – some people just prefer brunettes to blondes, quiet ones to chatty people – or because they are unable to handle their own issues. Early rejections are unpleasant events, but sometimes you can be grateful for them – it may spare you significantly much more pain down the road.
Learn from the experience, do not dwell on it. Do not criticize yourself excessively over any mistakes you think you made. If it happens constantly, though, take some break to reflect on how you relate to others, and any issues you need to work on. Then do not concern yourself. Coping with rejection in a healthy way can boost your strength and resilience.
Accept your feelings. It is normal to feel a little hurt, disappointed, resentful, or even down when faced with rejection. It is crucial to admit your feelings without trying to push them down. Try to practice a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you are sensing and feeling in the moment, without judgment and interpretation, this type of meditation is called Mindfulness. It will help you stay in touch with your feelings and promptly move on from negative episodes.
On the other hand, life for a single person can be not very much frustrating. It offers many rewards, such as being free to follow your own interests and hobbies, learning how to appreciate your own company, and enjoying the quiet moments of solitude.
Below you can download the free template of the Official Girlfriend Application form