What is cuddling?
One of the most effective therapy methods involving both a sense of touch and emotional support is assumed to be cuddling. This is the reason why more and more professional cuddlers appear across the United States. People use websites and mobile apps to find a perfect partner for cuddling. Let us dive into the matter and investigate who are cuddlers, what do cuddling services provide and how to become one?
What does a Cuddler mean?
Someone, who is ready to cuddle in a 100% platonic way is called a cuddler. Many people get bewildered about comprehending the essence of this relaxation method. Cuddling does not involve sexual relations. Conversely, some people even practice it as anti-stress technique and a way of touch therapy.
Cuddling is a mutual way of outer and emotional support, where both partners take part aiming at pleasure. During the day and working hours professional, registered cuddlers provide services to people regardless of their age, race, sex and lifestyle. Most clients are lonely people, who fight against emotional troubles or other traumas and disabilities and are in need of tactual sense.
Usually, cuddlers may spend hours with individuals watching movies, listening to music, talking, hugging, drinking tea, spooning or holding hands.
There is a great number of non-professional applications where people of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs meet and treat each other according to the cuddling activity principles. Although, to be a professional cuddler, it requires a deeper knowledge of the process and particular skills.

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Reasons to Become a Professional Cuddle buddy
A person becomes a professional cuddle buddy, once the cuddling activity is rewarded. According to professional ethics, a cuddler has to be caring and positive. This particular job offers ways to help treat stress, depression, anxiety and boost self-esteem. Moreover, this technique is a major human need.
For skilled cuddlers it is possible to register with cuddling services and enter the base. It guarantees their financial protection, safety and life security so that their rights will not be abused and no one can jeopardize the cuddler.
If you want to become a proficient cuddler, make certain you enjoy the cuddling process yourself. Lots of frustration can come in a while, if doing something out of the need, not the desire. It will certainly affect your emotional state, and influence the client in a bad way, this will irritate them.
Although, if you feel sufficient strength to support other people in dealing with loneliness and emotional distress and get pleasure from spiritual and outer contact, then, this unique profession is a perfect alternative to big cities’ boring jobs.
In order to become a skilled cuddle buddy, one is required to register with a cuddling association. To get the cuddling job, you can fill out a cuddle buddy application form and present the paper to one of the local cuddle buddy centers. It is known, that professional cuddlers can make from 40 to 80 USD per hour and some extra. Therefore, natural cuddling skills can both positively influence people’s lives and earn cuddlers a large amount of money.
The next section of this review introduces an all-embracing cuddle buddy application guide. Stick to the instructions to create and complete the form.
Completing a Cuddle Buddy Application form
The Cuddle Buddy Application, in short called CBA template is rather straightforward and filling it out will not be challengeable. The Cuddle Buddy Application is a form that is highly required by those who love cuddles and who want to invite one another to be part of this activity. The CBA form is not a federal document, though the form requires some personal information, a proper registration address, and authorization by signature.
After completing the form, you can present it to the local National Cuddle Buddy Association centers. You can find them online or on college campuses. The National Cuddle Buddy Association has an official Facebook page. Follow the simple, step-by-step guide to cover the necessary data and complete an application.

The Cuddle Buddy Application template, as a document, consists of several parts. First section offers you to complete the personal information about yourself. To fill out this part, you should enter the last and first names together with middle initial. You are also required to specify the date of birth in a format of month-day-year and list appearance characteristics, including weight and height.
In order to complete the first part of the application, choose the appropriate box to specify your sex.
Specification of contact data
You should enter full address, including: street, city, residency state, and ZIP code. Provide contact information to make it possible to reach you through email and you also have to submit the phone number.
Fill out the Pet or Nicknames Section
fill in the names you desire to be called while cuddling. You can leave this part empty if you wish, as it is not compulsory.
The Preferred outfit specification
The section is not mandatory as well and it lets define the type of clothes you or the partner are required to wear during the session of cuddling.
Rate the importance of various cuddling expressions
Here, you are required to rate the importance of mentioned cuddling expressions using numbers 1 to 4. Use “1” to indicate the high importance, while “4” is the indicator of the least important. Make certain to use each number only one time.
Rate your cuddling
You are also able to rate your cuddling quality and experience. Using the scale provided, mark “10” to indicate the highest rate and “1” to indicate the worst rate.

Check out other free, downloadable templates here.
Determining the cuddling position
In this section, you are able to specify your preferred position of cuddling. Use couple of sentences to express your desires in a free format.
Once all sections are filled out, read the statement of acknowledgment and put the signature.
The section about Official Use Only
This portion is made for the official representative of the association, who must complete it. You should leave this section empty. The National Cuddle Buddy Association will notify you, once your application is fulfilled.
Below you will find free, downloadable Cuddle Buddy Application form: